If you would like to purchase something you have seen on this site, want an exact price, would like a limited print; if you would like to visit my studio or have a question, please contact Hilda.
Thank you!
I’ve joined the tremendous group of resident artists over at Studios on The Park in Paso Robles!
Painting: Road to the Vineyard, 18x36", oil on canvas.
Where will the road take you?, 24 × 36”, oil on canvas
Inspired on a winding road in the Paso Robles-Cambria wine country area.
You've Got Mail!
You’ve Got Mail! 24 × 36”, oil on canvas
I was inspired to paint this country side scene when I was driving around Paso Robles. The mail boxes, with their unique shape and ready to receive good news, captured my attention and right then I decided that the name for this painting had to be “You’ve Got Mail!” .