If you would like to purchase something you have seen on this site, want an exact price, would like a limited print; if you would like to visit my studio or have a question, please contact Hilda.
Thank you!

Photo by Dina Piaelet
I’ve joined the tremendous group of resident artists over at Studios on The Park in Paso Robles!
Painting: Road to the Vineyard, 18x36", oil on canvas.
Where will the road take you?, 24 × 36”, oil on canvas
Inspired on a winding road in the Paso Robles-Cambria wine country area.
Colors of Conservation 2025, August 8 & 9
An annual art event to benefit the Land Conservancy of SLO County. Paintings by SLOPE artist members of our local open spaces, historic ranch lands, and preserves
You've Got Mail!
You’ve Got Mail! 24 × 36”, oil on canvas
I was inspired to paint this country side scene when I was driving around Paso Robles. The mail boxes, with their unique shape and ready to receive good news, captured my attention and right then I decided that the name for this painting had to be “You’ve Got Mail!” .